Info PICNIC! (English)

Picnic! Festival is one day event, already successfully done past years: one day spent
“at the park”, in company of drawers, designers, authors and publishers of illustrated and comics’ books.
All authors will draw and dedicate both their books and their drawings to general public all day long (10-20); with picnic lunch-break.
All authors draw for free: all drawings will be sold at 10,00/12,00 EUR by Picnic
Association staff only to sustain this yearly event and Association’s activities about comics and illustration.
Around them, a book-shop, some side events, some alternative artists, free readers, activities for children concerning drawing and illustration.

Any year we select one, or more, foreign guests.
The guest can be staying on the week-end from Friday night to Monday morning, with a
good accommodation in town and paid travel to Reggio Emilia and back.

In the past editions we guested:
Daniela Kulot, Benjamin Chaud, Tijn Snodijk, Nadia Budde, Satoe Tone, Klaas Verplancke, Virginie (Ninie) Soumagnac.

CONTEST FOR YOUNG TALENTS: a competition aimed at young illustrators whose winner
will have opportunity to sit at the table of “official” authors to draw for the public and
together with artists and illustrators who will take turns during the day.

short selection of best alternative independent new Italian alternative artists.

A bookshop will be there with the best selection possible of titles made by any guest.

The web site is at
Pictures are also available at flickr http://www.fl

“PICNIC!” FESTIVAL has been created in 2008 by Andrea Ciccarelli (italian comic’s publisher, Fiorenza Ballabeni (public manager on communications) and Cristiana Valentini (graphic designer, writer, illustrator,

After strong first edition they decided to create in Reggio Emilia a cultural association
around this project and they founded “Circolo ARCI PICNIC - Associazione Culturale”.

This is working to present more and more illustration, comics, books, to general public.
The association is non-profi t; it works searching for private sponsoring and it’s already
been accepted inside A.R.C.I. (, national association for social promotion.